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Security Systems Integration

We Help You Evolve

Maintenance of Engineering Systems

Scheduled preventive maintenance to help extend the equipment’s lifespan by an average of 5−6 years.


Conducting testing of newly installed systems by the company’s most experienced engineers, who will demonstrate the operation of the equipment and train personnel in its use.

Construction and Installation Works

Performing installation works on objects of any complexity by specialists with over 10 years of experience, possessing all necessary permits and licenses.

Equipment Supply

We offer only reliable and modern equipment and materials that have proven themselves over the years, and ensure their timely delivery according to the work schedule on site.

Assembly of Equipment Under Our Brand

We import equipment from leading factories under our own brand and develop server solutions for security systems and hardware-software complexes.

Engineering Systems Design

Documentation development for project feasibility justification. Text and graphical materials defining architectural, functional-technical, structural, and engineering solutions for construction and installation works.
Business Services
Conducting object research to determine the necessary primary and additional equipment, as well as the logic of construction and interaction of various security systems and project implementation timelines.

Development of Technical Solutions

Assistance in Developing Technical Specifications

Some data is difficult to gather without professional knowledge and experience. We assist our clients in collecting initial data and preparing technical specifications.

Audit of Engineering Systems

Security systems assessment, vulnerability identification, defect reporting, recommendations for improving the reliability and stability of security systems.
Structured Cabling Systems
Security and Technological Surveillance
Automatic Fire Alarm System
Security and Industrial Lighting
Notification and Evacuation Management
Perimeter Security
Power Supply up to 1000V
Access Control and Management
Automation of Electricity and Water Consumption Monitoring
Integration of Security and Building Automation Systems

Equipping Objects with Engineering Systems

DM-MAX Capabilities
Разработка и внедрение комплексных систем безопасности, автоматизации технологических процессов, охранного и технологического видеонаблюдения на базе нейросетевой видеоаналитики
Development of security architecture for residential complexes: integration of video surveillance systems, access control, entrance security, vehicle entry and parking control, automated fire alarm systems, fire extinguishing, and evacuation management into a unified security system. This system prevents violations and enables instant response to incidents.

Implementation of automated electricity and water consumption monitoring systems.

Installation of systems to ensure comfort for people with limited mobility, emergency lighting, security and pest control systems, and other engineering systems for residential buildings.
Perimeter Security for Large Areas
Implementation of perimeter security projects using infrared and microwave detectors, vibration and vibroseismic detection means, and radar stations.

Organization of perimeter video surveillance systems utilizing video analytics, line and area crossing detection, object tracking, and the automatic targeting of PTZ cameras based on signals from security sensors or radar stations. Thermal imaging surveillance of the perimeter.

Establishment of checkpoints, monitoring stations, access control for entry and exit, video verification of visitors with facial recognition and dentification, license plate recognition, inspection equipment, and automation of pass offices.
Video Analytics
Development of anti-theft systems, staff monitoring, and marketing analysis of visitors based on video surveillance systems.

Organization of video monitoring of cash transactions, matching information from the cash register with video footage of the transaction, and automation of shelf space control and product placement.

Analytics of customer flows using heat maps, counting visitors in queues, recognizing faces and other physical attributes, and maintaining a unified database of thieves across all retail points to reduce recidivism risks and facilitate evidence gathering.

Counting visitors with analysis of marketing campaign conversions and evaluation of retail point foot traffic, including counting unique visitors.
Integration of geographically dispersed security systems and resources into a unified information system.

Establishment of a unified client-server platform for security systems, monitoring centers, and data processing and storage centers.

Distribution of received information to relevant departments and agencies, organization of remote video surveillance.

Maintenance of unified databases for employees and visitors, and development of a unified security policy for enterprises across all departments and branches.
Development of comprehensive integrated security systems for educational institutions, organizing an access control system based on the principle of "One card — many functions": entry to academic buildings and dormitories, library card, payments in the cafeteria, disbursement of scholarships to students and salaries to staff, transportation access, and more using a single identifier.

SMS notifications to parents about the time their child arrives at and leaves school. Monitoring of student truancy and tardiness.

Integration of the access control and management system with the automatic fire alarm system, fire notification and evacuation management system, video surveillance system, music broadcasting, timekeeping, and bell system.
Development of comprehensive technical and engineering security systems for critical infrastructure: security and technological surveillance systems, perimeter security and lighting systems, security and automatic fire alarm systems, fire notification and evacuation management systems.

Construction of cable support systems and organization of structured cabling networks, information collection and processing systems, uninterruptible power supply systems, and organization of access control for employees and visitors, including sobriety checks.
Building security systems in accordance with the Government of the Russian Federation decree No. 969 dated September 26, 2016, for the purpose of automating the vehicle registration process by state registration numbers.

Integration of inspection systems at entrances and exits, parking payment collection systems to prevent non-payment of services, and organization of differentiated entry to specific parking zones.

Single-factor and two-factor authentication of vehicles, authentication of individuals, operator notification of the presence of unwanted persons in the controlled zone, detection of left or suspicious items, internal security staff alerts, and monitoring of law and order in places with high public attendance.
Government Procurement and Defense Contracts
We work with Government Customers within the framework of Federal Laws 44-FL, 223-FL, and 275-FL, providing necessary equipment and materials, as well as performing contract and construction works. We assist the Customer in preparing Technical Specifications to ensure the procurement procedure results in obtaining the required product.
We select equipment tailored to the customer’s needs in accordance with Government Decree 719 and Ministry of Finance Order 126n. We supply equipment listed in the register of Russian radio-electronic products and industrial products of Russian origin.
Government Procurement
DM-MAX is founded on traditional values:
growth and development of family business through generations.
We have listed the Commandments of our team, which have become the main guidelines of our business. They are fundamental. They are practically indisputable because they are obvious.
Commandment 1
We have been working in the field of engineering systems for a long time and have built our company for many years to come. Our goal is to establish long-term relationships with our partners, and therefore, it is not in our interest to frequently change our legal entity.

We do not push unnecessary equipment onto our clients to increase project costs. We offer our customers only those services that will solve their technical and economic tasks.

We respect our partners' time and care about their reputation. We believe that ensuring the success and stability of our company can be achieved through consistent work with our key partners, rather than through short-term gains from one-time clients
We respect
and value our clients
Commandment 2
We Help You Evolve
We take a responsible approach to maintaining the commercial secrecy of our partners and not disclosing information about their projects.

We collect and store only the data necessary for the successful fulfillment of our commitments and project implementation. Our employees are trained in maintaining commercial secrecy, and we do not share information about our clients with third parties without their consent.

When commissioning installed systems, our specialists train the client’s staff on information protection and handling personal data.
We maintain confidentiality
Commandment 3
We Help You Evolve
Our quality standards are much stricter than industry regulations. The risk of using substandard materials, equipment, and tools can be high for both us and the customer.

Replacement of faulty equipment, issues with non-functioning systems, and costs of troubleshooting — we do everything possible to convince the customer of the advisability of using only quality products.

If we cannot offer the client a reliable solution within their budget and our quality standards, we decide to decline the questionable project.
Quality Beyond Question
Commandment 4
We Help You Evolve
Our clients get acquainted with new technologies without additional costs. We help them understand the feasibility of applying innovations in pilot projects without investing their own funds.

Installation of the minimally necessary equipment and software at client sites, as well as testing their capabilities, is carried out with the help of equipment manufacturers and at our own expense.

We do not offer new products for the sake of novelty, but we keep up with progress and implement new technologies to achieve greater efficiency in our clients' systems.

Implementation of New Technologies
Commandment 5
We Help You Evolve
Compliance with construction and fire regulations for us is not a formality, but a necessary condition for conducting business. We carefully adhere to all applicable laws and existing standards — our projects are created, and installation works are carried out in strict accordance with industry standards. Thanks to this, we successfully "hand over" objects the first time, and our clients do not encounter difficulties with regulatory authorities.

If any client is willing to take responsibility for bypassing established construction and fire safety regulations — we decide to decline such a questionable project.
Construction Regulations are a Priority
Commandment 6
We Help You Evolve
We regularly conduct training for our specialists:
— on labor protection;
— on working at heights;
— on safety regulations when working with electrical installations.

A labor protection commission monitors our employees' compliance with safety regulations. The commission includes engineers from the NOSTROY registry and a highly qualified labor protection engineer.

We only allow workers with the necessary professional skills, relevant training, and no medical contraindications to our sites.
Compliance with Safety Regulations
Commandment 7
We Help You Evolve
We work with complex equipment in a field where the cost of errors is high. Therefore, we regularly send our employees for advanced training and education on working with equipment from its manufacturers. This way, our employees become certified specialists.

We hire with mandatory employment and contract agreements, and all payments are made officially. We strictly adhere to the Labor Code, including compensation for night shifts, weekends, and holidays.

To prevent errors due to employee fatigue, we monitor the length of the workday and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
We value and respect our employees
Commandment 8
We Help You Evolve
We understand that attempts to "optimize" taxation can jeopardize not only our business but also the activities of our partners. Therefore, our company's accounting and tax records are as transparent as possible, and we conduct thorough due diligence on our counterparts.

We do not cooperate with "shell companies" or those caught in gross violations of tax legislation.

Running a "white" business today is not the easiest task. But only transparent companies can expect stable development in the long term.
We are committed to paying all taxes
Commandment 9
We Help You Evolve
At the core of our company lies strict adherence to statutory activities, labor, accounting, contractual, and payment discipline. We do not let our partners down and promptly pay all their invoices. That is why they never let us down.

The company's timely and precise fulfillment of its obligations to the state and other companies, timely payment of all dues, adherence to delivery schedules—all this guarantees that our clients receive the ordered equipment on time, and the agreed-upon work schedule is adhered to at all our sites.
Financial Discipline
Commandment 10
We Help You Evolve
Most of our employees have children. Through our work, we want to set a good example for them. This also applies to how we handle waste after conducting engineering works.

"Eco-friendly approach" and "sustainable consumption" are not just words for us. We choose manufacturers, materials, and equipment that meet all standards and environmental requirements.

During installation work, we use materials as efficiently as possible. After completing work at a client’s site, it is important for us to leave the area clean and orderly, and we approach waste disposal with maximum responsibility. We use only verified companies for waste removal and disposal, and we cover these costs ourselves.
We care about the environment
We have been working in the field of engineering systems for a long time and have built our company to last for many years. Our goal is to establish long-term relationships with our partners, so changing our legal entity from time to time is not in our interest.

We do not push unnecessary equipment on our clients to increase project costs.
We respect and value our clients
We take a responsible approach to maintaining the commercial confidentiality of our partners.

We collect and store only the data necessary for the successful fulfillment of our commitments and project implementation. Our employees receive training on maintaining commercial confidentiality, and we do not share information about our clients with third parties.
We maintain confidentiality
Our quality standards are much stricter than industry regulations. The risk of using substandard materials, equipment, and tools can be high for both us and the customer.

We do everything possible to convince the customer of the advisability of using only quality products.
Quality Beyond Question
Our clients get acquainted with new technologies without additional costs. We help them understand the feasibility of applying innovations in pilot projects without investment.

Installation of equipment and software at client sites and their testing are carried out with the help of manufacturers and at our own expense.
Implementation of New Technologies
Compliance with construction and fire regulations is not a formality but a necessary condition for conducting business.

We carefully adhere to all applicable laws and existing standards—our projects are created, and installation works are carried out in strict accordance with industry standards.
Construction Regulations are a Priority
We regularly conduct training for our specialists:
— in labor protection;
— in working at heights;
— in safety regulations when working with electrical installations.

A labor protection commission monitors our employees' compliance with safety regulations.
Compliance with Safety Regulations
We regularly send our employees for advanced training and education on working with equipment from its manufacturers.

We hire with formal employment and contract agreements, and all payments are made officially.
We value and respect our employees
"Optimization" of taxation jeopardizes not only our business but also the activities of our partners. In our company, accounting and tax records are transparent, and we conduct thorough due diligence on our counterparts.

We do not cooperate with shell companies and those caught violating tax laws.
We are committed to paying all taxes
At the core of our company lies strict adherence to statutory activities, labor, accounting, contractual, and payment discipline. We do not let our partners down and promptly pay all their invoices.

Timely payment of all dues and adherence to delivery schedules guarantee that our clients receive the ordered equipment on time.
Financial Discipline
"Eco-friendly approach" and "sustainable consumption" are not just words for us. We choose manufacturers, materials, and equipment that meet all standards and environmental requirements.

For waste removal and ubsequent disposal, we use only verified companies, and we cover these costs ourselves.
We care about the environment
We are looking for people!
DM-Max is rapidly growing, and we need skilled specialists in the field of building engineering systems for structures and facilities.
DM-Max licences
DM-Max Licenses
DM-Max performs installation, repair, and maintenance of fire safety systems for buildings and structures.
emercom License
DM-Max undertakes reconstruction, construction, and repair of capital construction projects.
Membership in SRO
DM-Max develops and manufactures its own hardware and software systems, servers, and automated workstations.
Our Own Production
DM-Max Partners